I so dearly love a cottage in winter!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Do You Hollyhock?

Hello All!

A quick little post today...it is supposed to be hotter than the devil's bathtub today so I am going to work on some more drywall sanding in the little Sirs' room.  Hopefully I can get some painting done today too?

So, to show you some updates in the flower beds and some of the disasters I have created as well...

To begin...These boxwoods may have been planted when the home was built?  The roots were twice as big as the plants.

You can see that they are growing OVER the sidewalks.  I tried trimming, but they would have looked like dead sticks...so,
Off to Lowe's to get some $1 treasures...If you are thinking..."By George!  That looks awful!" I quite agree.  However, gardening takes patience (which makes it really good brain exercise for me) and we must look at this through the lens of the future.   I put in 2 double pink knock out roses...one died.  This is why, dear ones, it is always a good idea to buy things on mega clearance.  I filled in the rest of the bed with some perennials that will flower and add color this year and possibly next...until the roses are big enough to dazzle on their own...then I will just move the perennials!
Here is the rose that survived.  See how bright and colorful the leaves are?  This is all new growth!  So, by the end of this summer I will see how big it is and pay a bit more for a partner of similar size.  Patience.

I love this shady patch of vegetation.  Against the brick you can see the hydrangea that I planted this spring has already doubled in size!
And now it is blooming!  It is covered...and looks pretty good for a first year plant.
However, I do not like these tiny petals, not one bit.  The color is terrible.  From a distance, this looks like a spirea (which you all know I despise).  It is supposed to be a traditional, pink only, hydrangea.  If the petals do not get significantly bigger this summer, I may have to put this in the "ugly plant" spots.
Also, going back to the first picture...the lilly bed that I planted last summer is overflowing with blooms.  Stunning!
The pink roses on the front of this will be perfect!
My hollyhock is growing and because I love this one so much, I have added 5 more throughout my beds.  Also, this perennial bed has really filled in since this pic.

The hollyhock is bigger here.

And now she is ready to burst!  She is covered in blossoms.  I can't wait!  See, this bed has filled in.  The very back of the bed has cannas that are growing taller every day.  They should be nearly as tall as the hollyhock in another month.  Did I mention I planted this hollyhock as a bare root just last year???
The bee balm is starting to bloom.
And these daisys are HUGE.  I love them.  when they are just opening they are a butter yellow and then they burst bright white.  They are also pretty thick and sort-of ruffled.  Who knew a daisy could be so multi-faceted?

A mossy, jungle pic.  Madam Lu's play-chateau will be here next year!

My chairs are nearly weathered enough.  I will need to make some cushions soon! 

And say hello to my 3 birches on death row.  Really?  Do you see those huge, mossy covered rocks?  Do you see that this is my delight???  Really power guy?

Really.  They all bear the mark of the evil red "X".  Did I mention that birches are my VERY FAVORITE trees ever?  If you have seen "Fern Gully" then you know how I feel about red "x"s.

We will leave that unpleasantness with a picture of my famous hydrangeas!  Holy Smokes!  Each bush is about 5 feet tall.

My beautiful darlings, you are amazing! 

That is all I have time for today.  Hopefully I will have some amazing room transformation pictures before the summer is through!