I so dearly love a cottage in winter!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Mine Are Better

Well, not really.  But it sounds so cheeky to say it!

I know you have not heard much from your Mistress of the Cottage lately.  After our "country song fall", it has taken some time to get my 'words' back.  You know the song where your baby dies, and you get sick, and your dog dies, and you break both legs, and your truck dies (3x's)...yeah, that song...

I was thinking about all of the stupid things people say about grief.  People say a lot of stupid things, but they say them with so much love, they come out sounding like the Hallelujah Chorus on Christmas Eve.  One of the worst is "time heals all pain"...WRONG!

My friends heal all pain.  The friends who brought me and my family food...the friends who watched Madam Lu...the friends who brought me my very own bag of sweet girlie smelling goodness...the friends who sent me cards, left me msg's...sent encouraging texts and quotes....My friends make me feel loved.  They are warriors when my warrior has moved away.  They fight for me.  My friends heal me.

I have two girlfriends who I can call ANY time and they would drop everything for me (well, 3 if you count my gypsy...who would totally do it when she is here).  I have a friend whom I have known since we were 5...5!!!  He is dearer to me than kitties, lilacs, and semi-gloss paint.  He is always available for some PBJ beer...(yep).  They remind me that even when I am sad...even when I feel my core is destroyed...there are some seriously amazing people who find me worth their love.  THAT IS AWE-INSPIRING!!!

My family heals all pain.  The Aunt who send a card out of the blue to let me know that she was thinking about me...the cousin who showed grace and compassion when I had to miss the most important day of his life...the moms, who have taken care of Madam Lu for me....the grandma who held my hand to take some of my pain...the grandpa who spent a cold-rainy day helping my husband dig a ginormous, Mastiff-sized hole.  If my friends are my warriors, my family is my backbone.  They keep me going when my life is just mush.

I have a group of cousins who are as unique of a group of people that exists.  When I say that we are close, it is only to say that I have a herd of people who would DO ANYTHING for me at any time...they have a gift of treating me the same no matter what...when someone does that, they remind you of who you are...my cousins are my people.  They simply are.

I have a family through marriage who makes me feel accepted.  They continue to welcome me with open arms...even after all of this time...even after getting to know me really well...they inspired me to start doing the things I love (ie projects...WAIT until you see what I have planned before Christmas...starts with a 'p' and rhymes with ain't!!).  They love my kids without question.  They are a spark of life.

Cottage De Haven heals all pain.  NOT the house.  The small group of people that live here.  The people that I get to spend my life with.  I have a son who became a caretaker when I was healing from my surgery.  Sir E was always around to get me a drink or just to sit with me.  He put his sister to bed each night (singing her songs and reading her stories without any requests to do so) while my legs were healing.  I have a son who became a worker.  Sir M ran countless errands for me, cleaned up after his sister, and helped care for our menagerie.  I have a daughter who snuggled me and cuddled me when only a snuggly-cuddle would do.  Madam Lu just seems to know when mommy needs a sweet little girl hug.  I have a husband who handles IT ALL with humor and diligence.  He held my hand, cried with me, and in the rare sun-shining moments made me laugh.  My people are my life.

As I finish this post and this filthy-foul-fall, I look forward to a new season.  Healing leaves you tender, but repaired.  I am inspired.  I am rowdy.  I am ready.  BRING ON THE SNOW!!!!

Love to you all!