I so dearly love a cottage in winter!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Leeks and Greeks and Peeling Wallpaper Stinks!

I AM BACK!  Your mistress is back and alive and healthy after a long break.  My apologies!  So much to catch up on...

In my absence, the Cottage has had two birthdays.  Sir E turned 8 last week and Madam Lu is 2 today!

I cut off his long locks the night before his big day.  I really like this Sir with short spikey hair much better!
You may remember Sir M's Colonial Flag cake?  Well, Sir E got a more modern take on patriotism!  The cake was not that great, so I won't go into any more details on that.
We went to Takaoka of Japan to celebrate.  A darling friend watched Madam Lu for us because baby on a hibachi grill is not as tasty as fillet.

Today is Madam Lu's special day, but her party is not until Sunday, so to be continued on all of that...

That is the family update.  Now onto the remodeling....

Just to remind you of what we started with in the Sirs' room...
I would honestly say that just taking down those dark and dreary curtains made a huge difference, but tah-dah...the wall is all clean and ready to be filled and sanded....yippee!

Another before

And after the peel. 

A close-up of what I am dealing with.

Surprise!  After the layer of dark plaid is peeled, I am left with some seriously old lighter plaid. 

Which, even after scoring the heck out of, and dousing with paper remover stuff, still only comes off inch by inch.

I am left with the area where the Sirs' bunk beds are located to peel and then on to the wall repair.  I am thinking of painting their ceiling a light gray?

Their bathroom is looking splendid...the new floor is done, the new vanity and granite counter are installed.  I am working on my template for striping the room.

Right, I have no idea why this pic is turned, but actually the stripes are vertical.  They have also led to a bit of controversy here at the cottage.  Your Mistress wants to tape and stripe the whole bathroom in such a manner.  Sir L, however, has declared that he will not spend $900 on tape and I must make my stripes much, much bigger.  The B's will be blue and the G's will be green...the stripes not labeled are staying white.  I tried to compromise by limiting the spaces I will be striping, to no avail.  Yesterday I saw some free-handed striping in an AMAZING cottage and so now I am thinking of just free-handing them.  I do love the natural and organic look of free-handed stripes, but for some reason I was thinking more crisp and precise for this room.  Alas, I may need to give in on this one, friends.

So, I am wondering, have you tried Greek yogurt yet?  Well, it is lower in sodium than regular yogurt, so I gave it a try.  OH.MY.  It is gooooood.  Really.  Gooooooood.  I am not sure what makes it Greek, but I really enjoy imagining Brad Pitt playing Achilles in the movie Troy, eating it next to me!

Tonight I am making something with leeks.  I have not ever cooked with them before, but I love the way they look and they sound so earthy...I will let you know.....

With this I say goodbye, for now, but I will not be on break again for awhile, so expect to hear from me more regularly again!

Love, The Mistress of the Cottage

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cottage De Haven is on Break...I will be back as soon as possible!

Please excuse my lack of blogging.  I have much to share with you, but a dire health situation has come up and I am on break until I can catch up with laundry, cleaning, etc.  Thank you for understanding and don't forget about me...when I come back you will be inundated with stories and pictures from the cottage!

Love, Mistress of the Cottage