Sorry, I have much to post, but my dear friend, Meg the Mac is in the shop for a thorough end-of-warranty cleansing. (think colonoscopy but for a computer, well... without all the gross stuff) So, please do not forget about me. Whilst I am away, work on persuading your friends to join my page and if you are not my official follower yet...(mom's group, I mean you) this is a great time to proceed with following-type procedures. Yes, you do have to create an account (mine is just my email address, I think), and yes, you do have to agree to an...well an agreement-thingy...but it is worth it, I promise!!!!
I have a bathroom-fixer-fairy set to arrive at any moment (have i mentioned that i am in jammies and some seriously unsightly knee socks) I will leave this post with promises of a story of Williams Woodlands Park and my quest for an even older and dare I say more demanding cottage for our future....oh you will love it!!!!
i think we need to work on a Facebook page for you, as well......many more people can "like" it that way, and see all of the awesome things you are doing! do i do that?