I so dearly love a cottage in winter!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Falling for Fall...Camping and Cake-ing

It has been a busy, busy fall my dear ones!

We went camping at Oubache State Park.
Yes, we tent camp.  We used to all sleep in Big Green.  Little Blue was used to store our clothes and stuff.  That way, we dressed and changed Madam Lu's disasters in Little Blue ensuring all of the tramping in and out all day was not done where we sleep (cleaner beds).  This year, however; we moved the Little Sir's to Little Blue.  They did splendidly in their own tent.  And, without those little rat-pigs in my tent it stayed just as clean!

The heirs are dressed in Native-wear because we spent the day at Mississinewa 1812 (really, really cool).  I can not really explain Sir M's pose.  And why is Sir E looking soy joyous? 
 Two things about Camping De Haven.

#1 We camp in campgrounds that have (1) hot showers (2) flushing toilets (3) trees   We do not (1) television...are you that pathetic???...(2) radio (3) ipod, dsi, etc.

#2 If you tell Sir not to forget the air pump for the air mattress...and you may tell him 3 or more times...it is not reasonable that he will actually pack it.  Make sure you pack it yourself...first thing...before you even pack your underwear...because the air pump is really more important than clean underwear... 

Hiking!  We love it!

Madam Lu in a full-out jog on the trail.

This medium sized Bison came right up to Sir M...he really is an animal whisperer...

A teensy, weensy baby Bison!  OhMyWORD!!!!! 
When will the Sir's stop dressing up Madam Lu?  I mean, yes, I DID dress up my little brother...but that was different...he wore beautiful dresses, not storm trooper or boba fett or whatever this monstrosity of an outfit is...
I am so glad we caught this moment of Sirs' on 'film'.  Happy 7th Birthday, Sir M!
And what is a Birthday celebration without Madam Lu's life threatening ministrations???
I don't know who this is...but someone asked and Sir E began a tale that included Storm Trooper genealogy, politics, and possibly their religion...I am still not sure who this is...
And because I am always good for some cake humiliation....WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?  you ask...
Me: Sir M, what kind of cake would you like this year.  Sir M:  I want a chocolate cake with Boba Fett.  Me: Chocolate cake sounds wonderful...how about some green polka dots???? Sir M: No, I want Boba Fett.  So, this is a Boba Fett face....
If you look closely you will see the "inspiration helmet" on the table....I know, it is horrible, but good for a laugh!!!
Side note....this was my first time making fondant.  Store-bought fondant is horrible.  Home-made fondant is horrible.  It does look pretty, though, and is super easy to make and work with.  If you try to tell me you like fondant or you have a delicious fondant recipe; I will assume that you chew your own toenails for fun and love the taste of sweat...it is just a little category that I will put you in in my mind...lovingly of course, but still, you are totally a toenail chewer hence forth....

We took the kids roller skating on "fall break" day.  Madam Lu could have a future in roller derby!

This is Miss Faithy Pant's first birthday outfit.  Her dear and trusting parents (our cousins) told me I could make anything I want....Her animal is a butterfly and her colors are purple, blue and green.  It is hard to tell in the picture, but the butterfly's body is purple with white polka dots...not black...The edges should fray up nicely!
And baby butts really should be decorated...So this little caterpillar is just the thing!  And as Faith's clever mom pointed out...it symbolizes the metamorphosis of a baby to a big 1yr old!
And the tutu!  I was so very, very excited when she gave me free reign...a tutu!!!!!  What could be better?  I also made a hat, but that is for another day and another posting.  One that will show Miss Faithy Pants in her ensemble!!!

  Love to you all!  I'm off to make some chicken and noodles!

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